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Locksmithing 101 | SFIC Pinning -The Easy Way To Make A SFIC Pinning Chart with Aero IC

I've tried to go over everything you need to know in the previous blogs to get started pinning SFIC (Small Format Interchangeable Core Locks) with the A-2 system. I went over the cores, the keys, and the math. When it comes to math, a common thing that can happen is a customer has two or three different keys, maybe a control key, a couple more keys that they need to work as a specific office. Kind of like a common keying scenario, and the question is, 'How do I calculate that?'


If you haven't, in the notes below, we have two different worksheets. We have one worksheet that goes over a basic SFIC A2 pinning chart.

Then we have another one that's a multiple key pinning chart that you can have up to five different keys to calculate the combination.

It's always good to know how to do it manually, and these sheets will walk you step by step through that process. However, there is a much more efficient way to do that. So if you're at the point where 'You know what this happens enough where I don't like to sit down and do the math for a few minutes to figure it out.' Then our program that Aero IC, a master keying software program, has a calculator in it. What does this calculator do? It allows you to put in the master key, the control key, and then any number of changing keys that you want to place, and it's going to give you the calculations for it. Why is this good? Let's say you're doing a big office building, and they decided that they want the lunchroom or the office supply closet to have all of the keys fit or maybe all of a certain amount of keys; perhaps the master key system wasn't built for that. Or perhaps you're into a situation where you're taking over a new project, and they're like, 'Hey, we'd like you to start with making sure that this door to the conference room has everybody's key works?' And there are 6,7,8,9 keys, and you're like, 'Okay, I'm going to have to do some decoding and figure do some math here.' then this calculator makes it quick and easy to figure that out.

The Aero IC program works with all Windows systems -Windows XP up to Windows 10. And this is how it works.

This is what the Aero IC core master keying software looks like. This is for all the SFIC (Small Format Interchangeable Core) A-2, A-3, and A-4 systems.

 Concentrate on the button right here, the Pinning Calculator. It says right above it, 'Have IC keys you need the pinning chart for? Click the pinning calculator button.' Follow that before clicking the Pinning Calculator button.

Note: The calculator here is not really connected to the IC core software. It has its minor system for calculating.

On the Pinning Calculator, you can choose from A-2, A-3, and A-4.

We're going to do A-2. The next thing you need to do is to fill up Control Key Bitting, Master Key Bitting, and Change Key Bitting. A little secret is that if there's not a master key that you need to use for it, you can just put any key bitting in there, but we found that by displaying what the master key bitting is on the chart. It helps people when they're in the thick of the job type of thing.  I'm going to go ahead here and put in our control key bitting. You're going to get this bitting one or two ways. Either you decode a bunch of existing keys and put the bitting in that way or go to a master key chart with all the different bittings on it and choose the ones you need to fit a particular door. In this example, it's a seven-pin, so if you're doing a seven-pin system, make sure all of your bittings have seven digits in them and if it's a six-pin, make sure they all have six numbers—no need to do anything outside of that to differentiate between the two. My Control Key Bitting is 8510051, and my Master Key Bitting is going to be 2378415. Down to the change keys, we have to separate them by a comma. Don't add any spaces. I'm going to put three in this example: 0112231, 0130231, and 0138831. No comma at the end; keep it just like that.

The amount of change keys you could put in is unlimited. But of course, you want to follow the rules and make sure you're putting keys at the same step value because there is no number one master pin in the SFIC A-2 system, so once you have all that information, put it in.


What's left to do is to hit the Generate Bitting button.


It will now let us know what the control key is, the master key, and then the three change key bittings. Then underneath is going to be your pinning chart. There's no need to do any extra math. At this point, all you have to do is start pinning from just looking at the screen, or you can print it out, or you can save it as a txt file. And at that point, put in a few of your notes or maybe office numbers in parentheses next to it. You could put it in code so if someone were to see the chart, they don't know what the actual bittings are, really whatever you want to do but is what you have here now is a pinning chart that way, when you pin up these five keys, these three change keys, this master key, and this control key, here's your pinning chart for it. It's nice, and it's quick, and it's simple.


Alright, and that is how the Aero IC pinning calculator works. It's handy and can help you out. At the same time, you want to make sure you're careful. You want to make sure you're avoiding as much as possible any cross keying as well as trying to key up a lock that doesn't have the proper step values in place that can lead to issues. Watch out for that. Thank you, guys, and I will see you next time.

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