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Locksmithing 101 | EVERYTHING You Need To Know About The TOY44D Transponder Key!

Are you looking for information about the TOY44D Transponder Key? This is the perfect blog for you because I will be going over everything you need to know about the TOY44D Toyota transponder key, one of the top 10 transponder keys in the USA Today.

Everything that I will be talking about will be available in a PDF document that you can print out and store. This contains all the condensed information on one sheet for quick reference.

The TOY44D was around for a long time. It started putting it out into the market around 2003, and it went all the way until 2011, even a little longer in some cases. If you think about it, with the number of vehicles sold, that is a lot of years, so it's no surprise that this key is in the top 10 in 2021.


Let's talk about a straightforward way to identify the TOY44D. And now, if you're not too new, this will probably be further information, but if you've been around for a while, you know what I'm talking about. That is, the TOY44D, TOY44G, and the TOY44H  having the same look or visually look the same. On top of that, the key before the TOY44D, which is the TOY4384, also seems the same. So essentially, you have four different transponder keys that run from the TOY4384 came in 98-ish and then the H chip that's even been used in 2020 vehicles—giving you over two decades of essentially the same looking key. But there is a way to identify all of them.

 TOY44D Transponder Key

So the TOY4384 has nothing on it. It just looks like a standard transponder key, same head, and it's straightforward, a plain one.

But the TOY44D, the focus of this blog, has a minor marking on it. It is like a little dimple, almost like someone took their center punch and just punched a little tiny dimple in it.

 TOY44 Keys

Next, the TOY44G and the TOY44H have  G or H inscribed on the blade of the key right next to the head in the same place that you were to find the dimple.

 Transponder Keys - TOY44

So just by visually looking at one of the keys, you're going to be able to just by knowing this information; it's going to help you out. Now the exception to this is the aftermarket world, the wild west, and everyone does whatever they want in the wild west. So you can get an H or a G or a D with nothing on it. I've even seen a marker used in some circumstances \. So although it's a good rule of thumb, it's more accurate than untrue in the standard spec world. So, keep that in mind, but for the most part, you'll find that helpful because you'll probably quickly identify the key.


The chip used in the TOY44D is the Texas Instruments 4D67 Encrypted Chip. This is going to be your standard ceramic/wedge style of the chip. They're small and pretty durable.


When it comes to the test key, the test key is just going to be your standard TR47. So if you cut automotive keys or you do a lot of Toyota's, you're going to want to stock up on the TR47 blade because it was used before these transponder keys and used today. It's a trendy one.

 TR47 test key


When it comes to replacement shells, as you know, I like to recommend the JMA replacement shells, and the part number is a TP00TOYO-15.P. And by the way, I kind of went over this part number a few different times, but whenever I only talked about is the very beginning that TP00, that means there's no chip in it, so that's what that means. A little quick fact there for you.


When it comes to the code series, the code series for the TOY44D is 50,000 to 69,999. This is a 10-cut system, and the code series goes up through both G and H chips.


When it comes to cutting the TOY44D, you could probably guess by now; it's a pretty important one to understand how to duplicate because of the wide variety of not only this key but all of the other keys that use this same blade.

So here's the TOY44D; you can see the little dimple right here.

 duplicating keys

But since we're just having fun here, I'm going to use a TR47 key that we're going to duplicate.

 Locksmith tips for key duplicating

Let's talk about securing this key into the jaw. Your standard practice would be putting it in on the groove and take a tip stop to get it aligned. That's the first thought of aligning these keys, which is all fine and dandy. Side A or Side 1 is all you ever have to use for the most part. And unlike the NI04 key that we were talking about, this has a decent amount of meat right here at the end that you can grip onto.

 TR47 key duplicating

But if you're a little nervous about that, you can always just slide it up depending on the cuts. Tip stop it at the end, which will give you that extra security as far as material to grab on to the key.


However, I do want to talk about if you have two-way jaws. Something that happens a lot is the key starts flying out, and so, Ilco makes these adapters.

 TR47 key duplicating

There's like a little ridge right here and essentially is what this ridge is for, is to put it on one of the one sides of the keyway here just like this. So it's sitting actually in that keyway groove. When I turn it over like this, you can see that it essentially flattens it all out on the other side.

 key duplicating

It's what you do is you put it in face down, and instead of putting it on the groove, you put it into the machine like this. Get our tip stop and then push it in. As you can see, cutting it like this is the bulletproof way to do it. It comes in two, so there's one for each side.

If you struggle using your two-way jaws, I recommend using these adapters to get your job pleasant and safe. They are available and inexpensive. I'll put a link so you can buy them from us, no problem.

 TOY44D Transponder Key

Let's get to the real world and cut it the standard way. And I want to go over once again; if you haven't read too many of my key cutting blogs, I'll go over a technique that keeps you cutting without a problem.

Set the TOY44D to the left, then the TR47 to the right, and we're ready to cut. But before that, let me discuss the shaving technique. It is all about not hitting each one down but rather shaving it halfway through, then coming back and getting it again. From then, cut it usually. That's something you can do if you want to use this type of setup.

Let's turn it on and get to work.

 key cutting tips

Flip this key around, and let's deal with the other side by doing the same cutting technique. The main reason I'm doing it this way is that I want you to understand how you can do it with a two-sided jaw or on A and how you can do it with relative ease.

 key duplicating Toyota key

So there you have it. That's how you can cut the TOY44D or the TR47 key on side A or side one without the adapters. That's everything that I think you need to know about the TOY44D. Make sure you download the PDF in the notes below. I'd love to know your thoughts on this key. Thank you, and we'll see you next time.

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