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Lock Picking: Raking vs Single Pin
Whether you’re working with a Kwikset pin or a different locking mechanism altogether, you’re probably wondering what method you should use to break this lock. Your two main options are raking and single pin picking. You’ve probably heard locksmiths swear by either, but what are the real merits of each?
Option #1: Raking
Rakes come in a myriad of shapes and size. The most popular rakes in pinning kits look something like snakes with zigzag end pieces, but straight rakes are also incredibly useful. The idea behind this method is to check multiple pins at once, which saves on time and training. Here’s how this option stacks up:
Option #2: Single Pin Picking
Single pin picking or SPP requires going over every pin individually. As you might’ve guessed, it is more time consuming overall, but it is also the most effective method in most situations. Here’s how it stacks up:
So, Which Is Better?
The best option for you will depend on the lock and situation you are in. When you have little time or are opening a low-security lock, your best bet is to use the raking method. It’s faster and will get the job done. For more advanced locks, you can use raking as a diagnostic test. Using the method will give you a general overview of what to expect from the pins. However, it won’t give you accurate detail.
If you don’t have enough time for a diagnostic test on an advanced lock, you should consider SPP your first stop. SPP allows you to spend time with each individual pin, which means you can accurately detect different lengths, actual position and the location of security pins. You’ll certainly be able to open your lock with the proper application of this method, but you’ll have to be patient.
The best lock picking method will depend on your skill level, lock knowledge and the lock in front of you. Keep the pros and cons of each in your mind and be open to the best solution in a given situation.