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Key Cutting Machine Battle Flash vs Flash Mobile

The Silca Flash versus the Silca Flash Mobile is the same key machine, but one runs off 110, and the other runs off a lithium battery. All is possible with the help of Kip and the Lockfather. Kip and the Lockfather will be given two SC1 keys and then switch and cut two more SC1 keys. Newly cut keys will be checked using a cylinder to make sure if they will work and answer questions such as:

  • Does the Mobile cut as well as the standard flash machine?
  • How different are they?
  • Do they feel the same?
  • Which one do you like better?

 The Silca Flash versus the Silca Flash Mobile


Both machines were calibrated so let the battle begin! Kip is on the flash mobile, while the Lockfather is on the standard flash machine.

After cutting each of their 2 SC1 keys with their machine, I checked the newly cut keys. The Lockfather used and owned both, while Kip has not cut a key on either one of the machines. Both were a little nervous about the result, but they cut working keys.

cutting SC1 keys with Silca Flash Key Machines


Cutting 2 SC1 keys using the other machine. The Lockfather made it look easy using the flash mobile and gave some tips to Kip.

Using the Silca Flash Mibile

Testing the keys, they've cut. A bit surprised as they went to the cylinder like butter. They all work!

 Key machine battle


PJ: So, Kip, let's start with you. First time using these key machines; you have tried both now. Do you notice a power difference between them?

Kip: I do, and I can hear it. I do like the fact that they're quieter, so I wouldn't, I mean, you should probably should wear hearing protection, but I wouldn't be less concerned about it with this machine than, say, like the older one that's in my van. It's a screamer; it's pretty loud. Definitely notice the power difference between this one and that one.

PJ: Okay, which one is more powerful?

Kip: This one (Standard flash machine). It's higher speed, seems to cut a little quicker, a little cleaner. I mean, that one (Flash mobile) did the job just fine. It just, you can tell the difference as you're cutting.

PJ: Okay. And did you feel like it bogged you down? (Flash mobile)

Kip: No, no, it didn't bog me down.

PJ: It didn't?

Kip: No.

PJ: Okay. So you can notice the difference, but not a difference that's affecting your cutting?

Kip: Correct.

PJ: Okay.

Pete: Yeah, I agree with Kip. This one (Flash mobile) doesn't have the RPMs where that one (standard flash) does. So it cuts well, but you got to remember this battery, it's mobile, you can take it out on the job, put it on your push card, and cut a key right there, and it's going to work just as well.

Kip: If you're doing a huge rekey in a building -

Pete: Yeah, instead of running downstairs.

Kip: Yeah, I mean, instead of going off to your van or having a guy sit in the van the whole time, you can carry that thing in no problem, have it on the table right there.

Pete: Right.

Kip: I like that.

Pete: Because you didn't use it, you know, you've never used them before where I use it every day.

Kip: Yeah

Pete: Where you know, I push pressure against the jaw, and then I use the little thing to go back and forth, and it goes that quick.

Kip: I haven't thought about that. I'm thinking of the space of a bench in your van. Now eventually, it's going to be a little lower than this. Standard flash is not too bad. If I had it, my van, I probably have a little closer, so because I'd like to see down on the key, I want to see how my cuts are doing.

PJ: Yeah

Kip: It's more difficult with the Flash mobile. Again, your bench will probably be a little bit lower, or even maybe ankle, depending on who you are.

Pete: We try to angle all our doors now.

Kip: So it would be a little bit more of an issue with that getting up and over it to look down. So I would probably make some angle mount or something to accommodate that. That's not a big deal-breaker for me; it's just different.

PJ: Okay.

Pete: And you know, it has multiple jaws. As I say, you just -

Kip: I notice that.

Pete: A standard C key Schlage on there, just bottomed it out on the bottom section of the key, and you don't even have to check, you go boom, boom, boom.

Kip: And so you got what narrow Y and X

Pete: Right.


PJ: Yeah. And so I guess the question is, after cutting the keys, what one would you buy?

Pete: Both because I own both. I own multiples of them, because of going out, the bigger job. For in my little three wheels, you know, you throw this in, you know what keys it's going to be, you take it, go boom, boom, boom, and it's done.

PJ: And so, do you personally use that mobile or plug-in?

Pete: The two vehicles I drive have just a mobile. The other couple I drive has a built-in power supply.

PJ: Okay.

Kip: I mean, if I'm a guy who's not going to be out of my van a lot, I would go with the standard one just because of the steady power and the high RPMs, but I agree with Pete. Suppose you can do it, both. And you can like have that one in a box or your container and if they come with a special case or anything in case you had that job or, I'm doing a church, and there's, you know, 200 locks, so I'm going to be sitting in here rekey and cutting, I'm not going to be in my van the whole time. You're sitting in the basement; cutting, that'd be great.

Pete: Okay, and the flash mobile does come with a carry handle.

Kip: Right.

PJ: So if you were going to have one in your shop or one in your van or one of your home office, whatever it might be, you do it with the standard flash. Let's say that you did a bunch of bench work at your house or at your shop, and you did work out in a service van, and you only at the moment could have one machine? It sounds like you'd be going with the flash mobile.

Kip: Yeah, I'd probably go with that because I can bounce back and forth; super easy.

PJ: And you can also plug this one in. So you don't have to operate it off the battery. Right. So it's a win-win

Kip: It is an advantage too. Yeah.


PJ: Perfect. Well, I mean, I guess who wins this battle?

Pete: I'd say it's a tie.

Kip: Yeah, I would agree. It's a tie. I like things about both of them.

PJ: Yeah, they kind of both have their features, and it depends on the application, is what I'm hearing. Its application is what is necessary.

Kip: You got to know your business and what you do the most and what your setup is, if you're all in your van all the time, no shop, no garage, you know, but otherwise -

Pete: If you don't have a power supply in your van, this would be the ideal machine.

PJ: True.

Kip: Yeah. There is an advantage to that because, let's say; you had some battery or inverter problem. That does not restrict you.

PJ: It's true

Kip: With this, you can still cut keys. Yeah, that's a good point.

You've heard them, their feedback, and who wins. All keys were cut, and they all worked. We would love to know what you think about this and has this battle helped you make up your mind or change it from "I like battery-operated key machines" to "I like the plug-in key machines." Thank you, and we'll see you next time.

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