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How to Use ideniKey | Available for Android Now!

Hello locksmiths and key enthusiasts! Today, we're going to explore how to use the ideniKey app, which is now available for Android. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, this app can make identifying key blanks a breeze. Let's dive into the step-by-step guide and some useful tips to get the best results.

Getting Started with ideniKey

  1. Position the Key Correctly

    • Place the key flat and vertically, with the head of the key at the top.
    • Avoid placing the key at an angle, side to side, or upside down.


  1. Open the App

    • Open the ideniKey app on your Android device.
    • Select "Find a Key" from the menu.


  2. Capture the Key Image

    • Tap "Take Photo" and choose between using the camera or uploading an image from your gallery.
    • For best results:
      • Raise the camera about one foot away from the key.
      • Pinch to zoom in.
      • Hold still and ensure the image is sharp before taking the photo.
    • If the image looks good, tap "Proceed." If not, tap "Retake."


  3. Flip and Repeat

    • Flip the key over and take a picture of the other side.
    • Again, ensure the image is clear and sharp.
    • Tap "Proceed" if the image is good, or "Retake" if it needs improvement.


  4. Find the Key

    • After capturing both sides of the key, press "Find This Key."
    • The app will show five results, starting with the closest match.


Tips and Tricks for Best Results

  • Double-Sided Keys: Always flip the key over for the second photo.

  • No Match Found: If your key is not shown, take two new photos and try again. If still not found, it might not be in the database. Tap "Your Key's Not in the Results" and provide details to help add it.


Common Issues and Solutions

  • Flash Issues: Avoid using the camera flash as it can obscure details.

  • Orientation Problems: Ensure the key is not upside down or sideways.

  • Blurry Images: Retake the photo if the image is blurry.

  • Distance Issues: Make sure the key is not too far from the camera.

  • Obstructions: Keep your hand and other objects out of the photo.


Handling Key Rings

  • Leave Key on Ring: It's okay to leave the key on its ring, but it might take a couple of tries.

  • Key Ring Tips:

    • Move other keys and objects to the top of the key ring.
    • Ensure the phone is parallel with the key’s angle.
    • Try to cut out the rest of the ring from the image.
    • If your phone rotates the image, take a new picture with the camera app, rotate it so the head is at the top, and upload from the gallery.


  • Easier Solution: For best results, take the key off the key ring and proceed as usual.

By following these steps and tips, you'll be able to make the most out of the ideniKey app, streamlining your key identification process. If you have any questions or run into issues, the app's support is always there to help.


How close should the camera be to the key?

  • About one foot away for best results, pinch zoom in to fill 50-90% of the screen.

What if my key isn't found in the results?

  • Retake the photos and try again. If it's still not found, submit the key details to help expand the database.

Can I leave the key on its ring?

  • Yes, but it might take a few tries. For best results, remove the key from the ring.

What surfaces does ideniKey work on?

  • ideniKey works on most surfaces, regardless of pattern or color.

Does it identify restricted keys/high-security keys?

  • We've chosen to not include restricted keys/high-security keys in the database to uphold the integrity of the security of these keyway systems.



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