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HO03 Transponder Key- Don't Leave Customers Stranded!

Today we will be going over the Honda Acura HO03 PT Transponder Key. A key that barely makes into the top 10 list of transponder keys in the USA today. However, I want to argue with the data because this is a very popular key. So, don't let the information deceive you about this key. You should know its details as much as you stock it.

Before we get started, here are a couple of quick things you need to check:

  1. You can download a PDF document with all the listed details about this key in the notes below. It's a quick sheet of all the info we cover.
  1. This key is an HO03 PT, not HOO3 or H003. That's important when you go to 'Search' for this key in general, on our website, or if you're trying to look up information about it.


This key was used from around 2003, all the way up until 2017. It's a good long time with lots of vehicles that use this key. The main reason why it barely missed that top 10 list. 


When it comes to the chip, this key uses the ID46 Philips chip. The ID46 by now should sound familiar to you because it's a very popular chip. However, you always must make sure that you have the correct algorithm on the suitable chip. For this vehicle, you need to make sure you have that Honda ID46 chip. On the key, most of the time, you're going to see a V on it. A V is stamped or engraved into the blade next to the head, which will let you know that it is an HO03 key.

 Honda Acura HO03 PT Transponder Key


The part number for its test key is going to be the HO01-TEST. You might be wondering why HO01 and not HO03. It is because the blades for all the HO01, HO03, and HO05 use the same blade. Not only is the test key going to be the same, but also the chipless key. I recommend the JMA ones, and the part number on that is going to be a TP00HOND-31.P.

 HO03 PT Transponder Key


As far as the code series go, the code series is the classic Honda high-security code series which runs at K001-N718. This is the series you will be using when you're looking up codes or decoding locks.


Cutting an HO03 is the same as cutting an HO01.

The machine used is the Silca Swift plus. It's one of the best entry-level yet high-quality high-security duplicators. But if you have the automatic electronic code cutting machine price security, you can use it. In this case, I want to go over manually because doing this without a lot of experience, it's tough.

 Cutting a Honda Acura HO03 PT Transponder Key

The key that we're going to be duplicating is a code cut key. This is the webbing, and it's so important that it is perfect at a .035. Always check that out; make sure it's even along on both sides and all around.  

 Duplicating a Honda Acura HO03 PT Transponder Key

Put the tip stop, then the key with your finger on top to get all the cut in the jaw. Make sure that it's flat, so there is a grip on the web on both sides before you tighten it.

Remember: Anytime you use tip stop to a high-security key, make sure you can always get all the cuts on the jaw and not hanging off.

 Honda Acura HO03 PT Transponder Key

Once it is nice and tight, look down to make sure that it looks flat, and if it is not or there's a little bit of an angle, don't cut it. You got to get it perfectly flat.

 Duplicating a honda key

Install the blank key by doing the same similar thing.

locksmith key duplicating Honda Acura HO03 PT Transponder Key

Once cutting the key, treat it as if you are tracing it. When you get your depth set, tighten the knob on it and get to work nice and slow. Do this on the other end as well.

 Honda Acura HO03 PT Transponder Key

Time to cut the other side. Flip the blank key and install it again correctly by doing the same process and precaution as before. You can keep the existing key in the way it is or flip it around. In this case, since the existing key is a new code cut key, I chose to leave it as it is and duplicate the same side again. However, if your current key is highly worn, better flip it around.

Always check if the web has a nice and tight grip and see if the key is flat.

 Honda Acura HO03 PT Transponder Key

There you have it, everything that you need to know about the HO03 transponder key. I'd love to know your thoughts in the comments below. Make sure you download that PDF for a quick reference guide. Thank you, and we'll see you next time. 

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