It is very important to consider what type of customers your business may be catering to. For example, if the business is mostly duplicating existing keys, a simple duplication machine may be suitable. A valuable consideration for duplicators is expanding capabilities for different types of key blanks such as safety deposit boxes, tubular keys, and high security keys. Turning away enough of these keys per month can add up to the cost of a key machine. Owning a diversity of key machines, or a more advanced machine that has more features, can also open up new marketing opportunities. If you have to turn away a potential customer because you do not have the right machine for the job, then you may have lost that person’s future business. If you were not able to duplicate their key the first time, then they will probably not come back to you for their next job.
Beyond duplication machines, there are even more key machines that allow more parts of the locksmith market to be opened. Key machines that cut by code can be another great asset to business. These machines allow you as a technician to generate keys from scratch in a matter of seconds. There are many customers who will require a diversity of keys to be cut by code, and a quality code machine can do just that.
The HPC 1200 line are a great example of code machines that can suit a diversity of needs. HPC offers a standard HPC 1200 code machine, a Switch Blitz 1200 machine that can duplicate keys and can also cut keys by code, and a 1200 punch machine that cuts keys by code without a need for power. Each of these machines offer great benefits to a variety of needs in different types of businesses.
Take some time to determine your budget, your customer’s needs, and potential profits of a key machine or an upgrade in your business. It could be one of the best tools you invest in.