Beyond simply rekeying locks, many clients require their locks to be masterkeyed. Master keying locks allow for multiple locks to have individual keys to each lock, but also have a single master key that operates all of the separate locks that are master keyed. These systems can be as simple as two locks master keyed (each lock having its own key, but also a master key operating both locks), to complex systems involving multiple levels of master keying.
Master keying locks, or master pinning, require some locksmith supplies not necessarily needed for regular lock rekeying. One such part is a set of master pins for the brand that a technician may be working on. These pins allow multiple shear lines within a lock cylinder so more than one key can work in a particular lock. Each manufacturer uses different tolerances between depths, so master pins (sometimes called top pins), will vary in size. These master pins can be purchased in sets for certain manufacturer or as universal pins.
If master keying is a new area of locksmithing for a technician, helpful software is available. Aero Key is a helpful master keying program that enables several functions, normally taking minutes or hours, to be finished in a few mouse clicks. Aero Key is able to generate master key systems for 4,5,6 and 7 pin locks, users are able to enter their own master key or auto generate one, calculate number of bottom and master pins will be needed for the job, and organize projects for later opening. Aero Key also has the functionality to enable sub master keys.
Master keying is a helpful skill for many types of locksmith jobs. With proper locksmith tools, knowledge, and supplies, a technician or business can expand their capabilities with very limited initial investment.