It is hard to deny the growing popularity of high security keys. Even North American Manufacturers that have long held out on switching to high security keys, have made the switch with some of their new vehicles. Companies like Ford and General Motors have several vehicles in their newest model line with sidewinder keys. Many foreign cars have been using this technology for many years. Even Japanese cars that had held out in traditional key blanks, like Subaru, have made the switch to high security blades. This causes locksmith businesses to re-examine the necessity for owning high security key cutting equipment.
Some businesses have not utilized high security key machines due to their high initial cost. This, in recent years, has come down substantially. Availability in affordable duplicators, aftermarket high security key blanks, and access to information have allowed businesses to be competitive and profitable.
The perfect example of an affordable high security key machine is the ESP 339. This machine offers the ability to cut both high security (sidewinder or laser cut) keys as well as dimple keys. There are great built in features such as a light and storage compartment. It comes with a laundry list of cutter and tracer sizes including: 2MM cutter, 2.5MM cutter, 3MM cutter, 4MM cutter, 5MM cutter, all with a 6MM shank. The tracer variety includes: 1.5 MM, 3 MM, 4MM and 5MM, all with a 6MM shank. Also included are the dimple cutter and
Other necessary parts are adapters to cut double bitted keys, a tubular alignment block, allen wrenches, and shims for cutting Honda high security keys. More information can be found on this machine at
Many locksmiths will find it relieving to see a low cost, high security offering. This machine from ESP comes at a great time, as even domestic vehicles have started using high security key blanks.